How do I bid ?
To bid in RANGI LALLS Auction, you will have to be a registered buyer. For registration you have to log into RANGI LALLS Auction Website and click the button for registering. You have to fill a form and submit it. You will have to remember the user id and password which you have entered. This will be required for bidding. Your login will not be activated, and you will not be able to bid unless you pay your registration fee (Online). After the payment is made your login will be activated and you will be allowed to bid.
How many auctions can I bid on?
There is no limit to the number of auctions you can bid. So long an auction is active you can bid as many as you like.
What is the difference between straight bidding and automatic bidding?
You can bid on an item by straight bidding or automatic bidding (automatic bidding is also referred to as "Auto Bid").
Straight bidding:
Enter an amount higher than the current winning bid and click the bid button. Your bid will be accepted.
Automatic bidding (Auto Bid) :
Automatic bidding places bids on your behalf at pre specified increments. Simply enter your maximum bid (the highest amount you are willing to pay), and the increment amount.
What are the bid increments ?
Any new bid must be greater than the current high bid. The minimum additional amount you're required to add on the previous bid is called the bid increment.
Can I cancel my bid ?
After you place a bid on the auction item page, you cannot cancel the bid. So before you bid, be very careful whether you are willing to bid or you have the sufficient fund to purchase the item in case you win the bid.
What is a reserve price?
The reserve price is the lowest price the seller is willing to accept for the auction item. In fact the seller puts reserve price for every item he posts before the starting of an auction.
How do I know that my bid was accepted?
During the bidding process, you will see the highest bid on the Bidding page. If your bid is the highest, the page will show you the highest bid. (This doesn't mean that you've won the auction, only that your bid is currently the highest bid. To win, the auction must close without any higher bids.)
I've been outbid! What should I do ?
You have to be vigil on the auction floor. Once you find that a bid has appeared which is higher than the bid you made, you have to re-bid.
How do I ask the seller a question ?
You can email the seller. In fact it will be little required in the context of auction floated in RANGI LALLS Auction site as you have to contact RANGI LALLS with queries on any auction. RANGI LALLS acts as a facilitator of its principal (seller) for conducting its auction.
I won the auction. What do I do next ?
You will be informed by email when you win an auction. You will have to pay the requisite amount as material value for the bid you won to RANGI LALLS (offline). RANGI LALLS will provide you with Delivery Order which you have to show to the seller for collecting the material.
How do I contact the seller ?
You will be informed by email when you win an auction. You will have to pay the requisite amount as material value for the bid you won to RANGI LALLS (offline). RANGI LALLS will provide you with Delivery Order which you have to show to the seller for collecting the material.
Where and how do I send payment ?
You have to make the payment to RANGI LALLS (offline) unless specified otherwise.
What if I receive something materially different from the auction description ?
It is the duty of the buyer to physically inspect the materials at the sellers location prior to the auction start.
How do I rate the seller ?
It is through your personal experience in dealing with the seller that you can rate the seller.

How do I submit an item for auction ?
Selling an item on RANGI LALLS Auctions is easy. To submit an item in RANGI LALLS Auction, you will have to be a registered seller. For registration you have to log into RANGI LALLS Auction Web site and click the button for registering. You have to fill a form and submit it. You will have to remember the user id and password which you have entered. This will be required for all operations related to your auction. After entering into agreement with RANGI LALLS (offline) your login will be activated and you can submit your auction and the items pertaining to the auction. Items will be posted by RANGI LALLS.
How do I add a photo to my listing ?
Scanned images of the item to be sold can be sent to RANGI LALLS for inclusion and display along with the material list.
What am I not allowed to sell ?
Here's a list of some of the types of items that generally are not allowed on RANGI LALLS Auctions.

Copyright or Trademark-Sensitive Goods

Counterfeit or Knock-Off Goods

Items Subject to Embargo

Hate Materials

Live Animals

Goods Made From Protected Animal/Plant Species

Recalled Goods

Hacking / Surveillance / Interception / Descrambling Equipment


Illegal Drugs and Paraphernalia

Prescription Drugs and Medical Devices

Body Parts and Bodily Fluids

Stolen Products and Items Used for Theft

Fireworks, Explosives, and Hazardous Materials

Government IDs

Police Items

Stocks and Securities

Gambling Items


Individual Contracts

Non-Transferrable Items

Non-Packaged Food Items

Where can I monitor all my auction activity ?
You can monitor your auction activity by logging into using your login and password. You can view the bidding history of the live auctions, reserve prices (Reserve Price can only be viewed by Seller and no one else), and other features. However you will be auto emailed once the auction ends with detail information on the auction (Highest Bidder, Subject to Approval items, Rejected Items).
Can I edit my auction after it starts ?
You will not be allowed to edit any item once the auction starts.
How do I cancel bids in my auction ?
You cannot cancel a bid. But you can restrict a buyer from bidding. For that you have to contact RANGI LALLS and make a formal request to lock the specific buyer's bidding.
How do I close or cancel my auction ?
You cannot close / cancel your auction once it starts. You can cancel your auction prior to the starting of the auction. For that you have to contact RANGI LALLS and make a formal request to cancel the auction.
How do I answer a bidder's question ?
Bidder's question that will come to you by email can be answered by clicking the 'Reply' button present in your email client you are using.
My auction closed with a winner. What do I do next ?
On closing of the auction you will be intimated about the winner. The winner will also get an email stating what he has to do. He will contact RANGI LALLS and RANGI LALLS will handover him the Delivery Order after getting the requisite material value. The winner will approach you with the Delivery Order for allowing him to lift the material.
My auction closed, can I resubmit ?
The question of resubmit comes when you will not find a buyer that may arise due to the following reasons.
Nobody submitted any bid.
The highest bid amount is lower than the reserve price.
Withdrawal of an item prior to auction.
On your request RANGI LALLS will arrange for re-auctioning.
How do I contact the winning bidder ?
On closing of the auction the winner will get an email stating that he has won the item and what he has to do. He will contact RANGI LALLS and RANGI LALLS will handover him the Delivery Order after getting the requisite material value. The winner will approach you with the Delivery Order for allowing him to lift the material.
What if a bidder backs out ?
a) If the bidder backs out after becoming the successful bidder the login of the defaulting bidder will be deactivated and the bidder will not be allowed to take part in any other auction in future. b) If the successful bidder backs out after depositing EMD/Security Deposit, the EMD/Security Deposit as submitted by the bidder in default shall be forfeited and remitted to you after deduction of RANGI LALLS proportionate service charges
What if my Reserve Price is not met ?
If the reserve price has not been met by close of auction, the auction closes without a winning bidder. If the bid price matches the limits specified for inclusion in Subject To Approval (STA), then the same shall be shown under STA category and you will be informed about that. In this case you have to convey the acceptability of the bid amount or otherwise of the bid value to RANGI LALLS as well as the bidder within 3 days (Excluding holidays) of the close of the auction. On your request RANGI LALLS will arrange for inclusion of the unsold item in your next auction.
How do I rate a bidder ?
There are various reports available by which you can rate a bidder.
I received a complaint against my auction. What does this mean ?
The complaint may be on the item or on the process of auction. The item to be physically inspected by the buyer before bidding and the buyer should not complain. The process of auction is a proven one and there should be no complaint on the auction process. Any other complaint should be mutually resolved either by you or RANGI LALLS or both.
How can I promote my auctions and get more bids ?
As a seller, you want to attract bidders to your auction to get a higher price. Here are some suggestions to help to attract more attention to your auction. Feature your auction: You can highlight your auction in the page by special agreement with RANGI LALLS. Describe your item in detail: The more information you can give about your item, the more bidders will bid with confidence since they know exactly what they are getting. Be sure to include information like condition and size of the item. Add a photo: Seeing is believing. Generally, auctions with images have higher sellthrough. Place your auction in the correct category: Many users like to browse through our categories. Placing your auction in the appropriate category increases the likelihood of interested bidders viewing it.
How do I blacklist a bidder ?
You can blacklist a buyer from bidding. For that you have to contact RANGI LALLS and make a formal request to blacklist the specific buyer.
Is there a notification system for auctions ?
Yes. The link to open forthcoming auctions is on the home page. Among other notifications the auto notification to the winner and seller needs appreciation.